Fact Sheet
- The Monroe Harding property is zoned R20 – it does not need to be rezoned for residential development; Councilman Pulley initiated the Specific Plan (SP) on 11/30/2017 for the benefit of the neighborhood (not Monroe Harding).
- The Specific Plan (SP) sponsored by Councilman Pulley results in less density than permitted under R20 zoning and imposes development conditions that would not otherwise be required by Metro regulations.
- The Metro Planning staff recommended approval of the SP. Monroe Harding’s property could support up to 53 dwelling units including 10 duplex lots under the current zoning (See Planning Commission staff report dated August 9, 2018).
- The SP allows for development of 31 single-family lots.
- The approximately 7 acres of flood plain area along Brown’s Creek will remain undisturbed. Monroe Harding has planted over 4,000 trees in the flood plain to benefit the riparian zone.
- The stormwater management conditions imposed by the SP are “above-and-beyond” Metro stormwater management requirements and result in less stormwater runoff into Brown’s Creek than under current conditions.
- The Trabue/Wood building, designed by Hibbs, was built as an orphanage dormitory for Monroe Harding in 1935, and currently serves as the administrative offices for the organization.
Other cottages on the property were built in 1948, 1998, 2002 and 2016. The gym was built in 1955.
- There are no federal, state, or local preservation requirements in place that preserve this building, and it is not on an historic registry. The marker of the property on Glendale Lane refers to the historic significance of Monroe Harding as an organization; it does not relate to the buildings.
- Monroe Harding engaged with both Metro Parks and the Mayor’s office concerning a potential purchase of the property in 2017; we were advised there was no money in the budget for the purchase.
- It is private property; not a public facility. No state or federal funds were used in the purchase or renovation of the property.
- The Metro Historical Commission requested that the building be documented and a monument created as a condition of the SP.
- Monroe Harding and Barlow Builders do not object to an interested party moving the building at the cost of the interested party.
- There are 107 mature trees on the property outside of the protected floodplain, per March 5, 2018 count.
- The SP requires: “A Tree Survey shall be completed and used to save as many trees as possible prior to Final SP submittal. Tree inventory shall include tree size, species, and tree health. Final SP plans shall comply with the TDU requirement set forth by the Metro Nashville tree ordinance. The developer is to engage with a certified arborist to evaluate tree health prior to Final SP Submittal.”
- The SP prevents cut-through traffic on Granny White Ct and Duncanwood Ct
- The SP requires a new 5-foot sidewalk and 4-foot planting strip along Glendale Lane
- Opposing the SP allows for greater density and less stringent development conditions
- Many homes in the area were built on what was once Monroe Harding property. Read the SP conditions at https://www.monroeharding.org/sp-specific-plan-for-monroe-hardings-property/
SP (Specific Plan)
2018.07.23 glendalesp